was Gabrielle's birfffdayy partttty!
So we went to her aunt's like, bigassss fuckeeenn house, and then we swam without getting our hairrr wett and then we like, had funnn.
Mhmmm, omfg. I'm so tired, but I promised to text her at 12 AM on her REAL birthday to congratulate her. I hope I don't fall asleeep.
& yesterdayyy! I went down to the TC areaaa to swim with Katie Yoooo and met like, Minji and peopleeee, weeeird! (:
OMFGGG, so tired.
Nothing to do. Weeell, I'm going to get ready to sleeeep, but not sleeep hahha.
I'm like totttallly tired.
&& on THURSDAY, I went to Disneyland wiffff the cutaaayysss.
I went with Spencerrr, Rachel, Abe, Jemini & Sam.
It was funnn (;
Although I was expecting maahh gggirrrl Gabby to go :(
She was sick and living off of tylenols.
Poooorr babbyy! But she's better now.
I finally made plans with Debbiee Kimm, which I'm EXCITED about, cause I only got to hang out with her ONCE :(
anywayss, can'tt waiiiit!
& blaaazinnnnggg is amaaazzzinnngg.
fuhhhreaaal. I never do thhhhatt kindda stuff cuhss I'm a good girl, but yeah, this time was funn (: