Thursday, October 1, 2009
I'm an outrageously
pissed off bitch. I am so annoyed to the point where I want to smack the shit out of you. Whatevers tho. Idgaf. It's on you. Anyways, today was alllright (: Hung out with Jordan Baron, then I got ditched even though I was so nice and stood with him in the long ass line in mcdonald's talking about our fantasy promise, then went to Gabbbby and Johnny. It was fun fun fun. Then we walked to Starbucks from Fullerton after seeing DBHS lose to our varsity football team. Ugh, dude. So annoying! I can't believe you would say that to my bfff thinking that I wouldn't know. Lame. Lame. Lame. I don't even give a shit about you anymore! -.- Anyways, today PSST performed our club rush pieces (: Hahah yayay. And Alyssa Felipe made me CRACK UP this morning because she greeted me with PTSS! Hhaha, couldn't even get her own future club name right. I like it ;) hahah! And then, yeah. I'm just laid back and going with the flow. I'm realizing my REAL friends now. Although I might be separating with you my bffffflle, I've always got your back little one ;) I love you to death, and no matter what happens, you'll be my numero uno. Hahah <3 And then, Donna! I just love our phonecalls, talking about scandalous shit (: hahaha! And I've gained alot of knowledge today. I have deep thoughts about certain things and I just think it's going to help me throughout my life, throughout all my failures and successes. Well, now I have to take online driving courses so I can get my permit. Not so excited cause everyone says its so BORING! But I guess it's worth it. Well, tooodles everyone <3