Monday, August 31, 2009
I was with RachelKim for like
last night until now, and then Gabby's over. Yeah, anyways, real talk. I hate guys who break promises. That's such a bitchmove. And trust, I will never forgive a bitch like that. Anyways, yeah.. I am very tired and sick these days. I wish he would look at me more like a girlfriend, but idk if he does. well, update later (:
Friday, August 28, 2009
I'm going shopping with my mommy (: I just need a few more things to complete my "backtoschool" clothes. More like, Just cause I want them. But yeah (: My birthday is this month! Yay. haha. I'm moving this month -.- booo. The past few weeks with Gabby, I realized how I was breaking my promises with God. My "dedication and effort" is useless now, because no matter how many times I told myself that I'll try for God has gone down the drain. I think now, I'm more motivated and I want to improve religiously. Hm, so I woke up at like 9 Am this morning and idk what happened but I fell asleep again. Which was really weird. I'm waiting for my mom to come home and then we'll be heading out. Oh wait, I'm not even ready haha. Well, I'll update later (: Bye readers!
Seriously not in the mood to do anything. Well, I'm going to sleep in like five minutes so I'm trying to write this all quick and shit -.- Ugh, I'm trying to update alot even though I don't want to sometimes, but it's whatevs. Today is Thursday. I spent it with Gabby from 8 in the morning. I was with her for three days straight. That is no fun. Hahah, jkays. I think I'm psychic. I'm not joking around, and it's freaking me out. When I see certain people and I doze off or concentrate on them, I see colors. & I dream about some random events and it really happened in the past, or it happens later on. I'm scared to tell my mom.. but she asked me already. I think she knows, but I'm freaked out. I can see your auras people! Let's see if I see yours. But like, I saw purple around Gabby's head which was so weird.. at Souplantation today and we searched what it was and it indicated spiritual thoughts and feelings. Then she dropped me off to see her boyfriend and all that and she told me this crazy lady was like, .. yeah. & she said something about spiritual stuff. Then Gabby got all this spiritual thoughts in her head and then she started freaking out and she called me. Then she told me what happened and I was like shaking. I was freaked out to the max. Ugh fuhreal! what if I am -.- & my two cousins, came over and they were like joking around with me saying they see colors and I got pissed and then I called them and looked at their heads behind me and I saw COLORS. I saw RED and .. I forgot. I WAS SCARED! Anyways, my mom says I just need to know how to control these abilities. Tomorrow is Friday (: I think I might go to the mall with mommy. But idk yet. I'm sleeeeppy so yeah. NEXT WEEK IS MY LAST WEEK. Make plans with me. Stupid ELIA was supposed to spend the night. Hopefully she does. HOPEFULLY. So I can giiitt hhiiighhh all dayy. Jkays (: hahaha, well gooodnight loves! <3
& I feel so empty. I feel like I need to start all over again.
P.S. I love you.
I always do.
yay me.
oh and pictures

I found this skirt from like two years ago.
I like it now (:

& I felt like putting these pictures up cause she's my best friend hands down.
She's the one that has my back, and she's always there for me.
Even when we get into shit, we'd give up everything for each other.

&& she's downnnn (:

& I feel so empty. I feel like I need to start all over again.
P.S. I love you.
I always do.
yay me.
oh and pictures

I found this skirt from like two years ago.
I like it now (:

& I felt like putting these pictures up cause she's my best friend hands down.
She's the one that has my back, and she's always there for me.
Even when we get into shit, we'd give up everything for each other.

&& she's downnnn (:

Saturday, August 22, 2009
My love,
I will never let you go. Haha, ew. Anyways, today was so tiring from camp and like boring! I didn't do anything :/ I want to get my green contacts faster but my mom is like complaining that she has no time so the lastest I'd get mine is like next next week :( Ugh! Everything delays. School starts soon (: I don't know why I'm excited haha. I'm like, totally tired right now, I'm probably going to sleep early today cause the whole time thing at camp changed the time I sleep and everything. My brother just came back today from his retreat haha. And he's right next to me on his laptop and he farted six times, continuously. No one can do it like my brother. OH MY GOSH IT SMELLS. Hahha! I'm so care-free with him and it feels good. My life's goooood. Well, can be better. I need to seriously, be prepared for school now haha. I need to take my driving lessons online. My mom signed me up but I didnt' even do anything -.- Ugh man. Can't wait to drive! I'm excited. Well, today I went to church, helped jr. high kids with stupid praise band practice and met Sam and we hung out and then he had to help his brothers with talent show and errything. It was so cute (: & yeah, came home, helped mommy. Now I'm just chiillinn here texting people. I feel good today. Idk why. Hahahah. Well, I'll update more with the camping pictures tomorrow (:
Goodnight loves <3
Goodnight loves <3
Friday, August 21, 2009
4 days in Malibu!
Hot lifeguards, my love life, & just the fun in the camping trip with Rachel, Sam & Abe. Okay, so first day, I woke up at like 8 and got ready, went to the verizon store to pick up my new phone (: Then I went home, got things all ready and my family left to Malibu! We drove for awhile, we saw an American Apparel on the way and my daddy said we'll drop by to get clothes on the last day, I was so freaking happy. Anyways, then we passed LA, Santa Monica beach and pier, then MALIBU! (: They have such cute beach houses and such. When we got there, I arrived with like five other families, and I met up with Sam and Abe first, then we like chose our camping places and then Rachel finally arrived! So we set up our tents and errythannnng, and then we ate then we slept cause we were all tired. I was so annoyed on how Sam & Abe made those weird "jack hammer" crap noises! HAHAHAH, and that day, there weren't much stars :( Second day, in the morning, Rachel and I woke up and we went to Abe & Sam's tent to wake them up. It's so weird that we're still traditionally going to camp every year. And esp. this year cause Abe came along. I'm glad he did. It was reaaaal fun. Well, guys don't really get up easily so it took awhile, we went to brush our teeeth and whatnot, then ... hm, i forgot. then at night, we chiiiilled at the guys' tent until reaal late and yeah. I forget all the details and such. Third day, we hit the beach, it was rocky, and we saw crabs and starfish. Hm, yeah. & then whatever happened, happened. It was our last night so we decided to sneak in others' tents and like sleep and whatnot. So yeah. PLAN FAILED. FUHHREALL. So funny, we had panic attacks and stuff cause we thought we were getting caught in the middle of the night when we're all together in a tent tryna sleep ahhaha. And then they left at like 4:30ish. Yeah, it was funny. Then last day, we packed our shit and left. It was way more detailed and stuff but I don't want to explain everything. Then yeah. That was it. It was fun. Oh & sorry for getting mad at you and the fight. Seriously though, you really pissed me off. It annoyed me. you left me hanging. I asked you a question and you didnt' even answer AND YOU LEFT. I actually cried. You fag. I walked towards the bathroom and cried cause I was so pissed. You think I'm so strong at heart cause of my depression issues and the fact i've been through it, but I'm not. It pisses me off when you act like you listen and I KNOW you're not listening. And when you mention things I tell you not to mention. You think I'm just going to get over it, and that it's not a big deal, but really, it PISSES ME OFF. I'm letting it go but seriously, I dont' mind letting you go. I hope you're reading this and learning from it, not taking as an insult. Anyways, yesyes, the trip was fun. School's starting soon, getting ready to be a bitch like always. I dont even know why people call me a bitch. I'm so fucking nice. And yeah (: MORP! hahaha. anways, I love love love love you, and goodnight erryone.
Monday, August 17, 2009
So I woke up at Gabby's house
at 12. Oh god. And we ate breakfast at like 12:15. We ate little bagels, very tiny but it filled our stomachs. It was so weird cause at the same time, we said our tummy hurts and we have to poop. We have something in common. hahaha (: weeeell, idk what we're doing today, obviously cause we just do what we feel like, all the time. & tomorrow, I'm going camping, but not even excited. I'm not even stoked for that. And I can't wait until I get back and be happy. Ugh. This is so lame. And school starts in like two weeks! excluding this week I think. Anyways, this summer was life changing and most boring summer ever. Well toooodles (:
Saturday, August 15, 2009
today was
rather alright than exciting. I liked today. But it's was like, ehh. I'm always tired or angered by something and I'm not in the mood to do anything. Anyways, a cardi, flannel and vnecks. Hm. yeah, it's alllright i guess (: Ugh, wow, a month soon! weird. I am scared actually. Idk why. And I'm like tired right now, and hungry. I feel so sick and everything. I am probably doing something else tomorrow and yeah. I am seriously not excited for anything. And yeah. Hahah, actually, CAMPING! (: I just can't wait. I love camping with my two lovesss! <3 My babies. Hahhaa. Anyways, I'm out for now (: I'm going to find osmething to eat haha. Oh& ily stupid hoe.
Friday, August 14, 2009
New Day
Ugh, I think it's time for me to text Donna Lee. I need someone who understands and I think when I talk to her, it's just not "uh huh I feel you" its like "OMFG I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN" and such. Idk, wow. Seriously, summer's going by, I just love how I didn't do much :/ Hm, Gabrielle's coming over and my brother's on his laptop next to me playing his little gun game haha. I love my brother. I pierced my own ears "my fourth hole" lol, last night and he helped me even though I was bitching at him the whole time. I need new friends. Trustworthy friends. People who can stick next to me NO MATTER WHAT. Oh yeah, and I created myself a tumblr. Why? i was bored. That's why. I pierced my ears last night out of boredom. Seems like my parents have more fun than I do. They were out this whole week leaving me home alone. Or even with my brother. It's not fun :( Well, today is Poo's birffdayy, so Happy 17th hoe! And that's about it. I'll update on more personal stuff on... well, definitely not this. Well, I'm going to text Donna later, so expect one! (if you're reading) bahhahaa, I'm outt (:
stupid bitches! get a life. get the fuck over yourselves and act normal. youre so fucking immature going around bragging about how "pretty" you are. you act so fucking dumb. Obviously why your last guy gave up on you -.- stupid.
anyways, bye ! (:
stupid bitches! get a life. get the fuck over yourselves and act normal. youre so fucking immature going around bragging about how "pretty" you are. you act so fucking dumb. Obviously why your last guy gave up on you -.- stupid.
anyways, bye ! (:
Thursday, August 13, 2009
HAHA shit
I'm such a hater. I'M MOVING. God's like totally responding my twitter and blog crap. Hahaha, I'm moving temporarily and then again to a bigger house. I want to move out of state, but I'm not wishing for that. Hahaha, I need to stay close to him <3 Anyways, we're looking at houses. Hm, yeah. That's about it. today, is going to be boring cause I could've gone to universal studios, but I can't -.- Fudge. My birthday is coming soon, and no one is excited! But me (: .... ew. Dude my mom was singing "wetter" by twista. FUCKING sick. Ew. Anyways, so I'm hatin and hatin on like, a girl. & Idgaf about her, really. But it's just so funny how people try so hard. Whatever. Anyways, I think school year this year is going to be fun & MORP. yeeeeeuhh (: Well, I'm updating later cause I'm still tired for some random reason and I miss you, you pretty bitch! >:) It's Sam's birffdayy tomorrow, and Gabby's coming over (: I love that girl. I met her in summer volleyball camp at Troy, but trust, I thought she looked like a bitch, and then during the school year, we got closer cause of Stephanie Navarro, *we have to thank her, Gabby. And Mrs. Rich's class. Hahha! Dude I LOVED her class. & then summer. RIGHHH THERRR. we were like WHOOOOOP best friends. Well, no one can replace Angelica Cortes and Rachel Kim. but yaaannaaa i meann? Yeah (: Cuties right there. And summer, emotionally, I cleaned up most my feelings, but physically... became slower. Ugh, I got high too much. Smoking is like fucking up my lungs. but whatevs. Anyways, I'm logging off pretty people (:
Monday, August 10, 2009
Pissed off and aggravated.
I really don't understand why I even moved here -.- Ugh. No freedom, nothing. Seriously. Stuck in a little box with nothing here. I am selfish and never satisfied, and that's never going to change unless there's a crazy miracle. I am frustrated and I just can't seem to hold my anger. No, I don't have anger management, yet I have depression. I got hurt today cause Robin smashed the damn basket into my hand. And todays mini-retreat taught me NOTHING but live the life you want to live by showing off your devotion. I really am out of my mind. I can't think right, I really am going crazy. I want out of this place. Even if I love my life right now, I feel so stuffed in here. I can't breathe right, I am always hesitating, and I feel like my head's going to burst with facts I don't even want to hear. Maybe, I know a little too much. Maybe I don't really know anything. But furthermore, I'm just sick of stuff getting onto my nerves, people getting in my business, people that just talk shit saying I'm a bad influence, people saying I'm a slut, whatnot. But, you know, karma's a bitch. And people are going to see what they don't want to see. I'm so tired right now, I don't even know if I'm writing all these while making sense. I am going to misss youuu, you pretty dumb whore. Sam! Your birthday's on Friday (: Yayayayay. I'm just tired right now, and I'm texting you. But I'll finish the blog by texting you ;)
I fuccccking loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee him.
Not Poo -.- Hahaha,
I just love you. IT'S NOT SAM you weirdos.
hahah, only YOU will know ;)
Three days -.-
ughhh. anyways, bye.
I fuccccking loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee him.
Not Poo -.- Hahaha,
I just love you. IT'S NOT SAM you weirdos.
hahah, only YOU will know ;)
Three days -.-
ughhh. anyways, bye.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Okay well,
Gabby and I don't know what to do, so I decided to post it up as a "memory." She's giving me the weirdest look ever, and its so intimidating. We are bored. She doesn't know what shoes to wear, and I am like, totally listening to her babbling about how nice she is. Cmon, we all know she's a bitch >:) jkays, lovee youu. Hahah, fuhhreall, omfg. We should go to Santa Monica pier? Idk! I'm down to do anything. And theres like a church thing at Puente.. DEFINITELY not going. I don't think I'm even going to church tomorrow. Hm, yeahh. I'll always miss you <3 BAHAHA, I can't believe I can't try out for TM :( Stupid retreat and everything. Ugh! well, gooodluck to my bifffflee, Angelicaaa and my Junior, Chelsey (: SO sadddddd. Anyways, I am EXHAUSTED from our allnighter.. again. It wasn't even an attempt. We just couldn't sleep ahhaa. These past few days, I've been bitching at younger kids hahhaa. Sucks for them :) Hahaha, Gabby and I are talking about how everyone thinks we're bitches -.- hahahah! Random stories, hahha. I miss youuu, and your beautiful face. BAHAHAH, ew. Suck it you ugly! JKAYS (: I'm actally talking to you right now, hah. OMFG, well, I have to do my makeup. Something YOU HATE. Anyways, byeeee.
<3, claire leighanne kim
& Gabby. Gabby says bye (:
I can't believe we got so close over summer. Dude, you guys don't even understand how we know each other. BAHAHA.
<3, claire leighanne kim
& Gabby. Gabby says bye (:
I can't believe we got so close over summer. Dude, you guys don't even understand how we know each other. BAHAHA.
Monday, August 3, 2009
August 3, 2008 was
a good day, hah. Angelica came over, and we hung out and went to the mall, bought clothes, then hung out even more. She's always keeping me smiling and I love her for that. We were cracking up when we were trying to take pictures with serious faces! hahaha, well yeah. Then I had SI, and today was a pretty fun day. I've realized alot of things lately, and yes, Donna, haha, if you're reading this, I'm thankful that we had a cute little text convo two days ago. We always seem to agree on everything and I just love how our talks are so scandalousss! ;) I'm always here when you need to vent too, and when you need someone to make you feel better haha. Remember? We're like the main of the Bad Influences Club haha! Well, yeah. Today was rather sweet than bitter, I'm actually living to love life. And to enjoy every little minute of my life. I love you, and even if I see that much more flaws in you, I'm just glad that you'd change so that I can adore you even more. & Gabrielle, we need to hang out and I need to sleepover your damn house when you get your bathroom remodeling done haha. Well, let's see what tomorrow will bring me. Hopefully "nothing" won't be the answer. And and, no ballet tomorrow :( I sprained my pinky toeeeee! ugh! and cue with Chelsey and Aika soon (: & yes, Donna's right, fuck you, you attention whore!
well, gooodnight loves <3
well, gooodnight loves <3
Saturday, August 1, 2009
I noticed
How I don't watch my mouth at all times, same as my actions. Sam Koo's dad is here right now, and they're like talking and stuff haha. I am bored, because Gabby left me to her boyfriend haha. So weird how we're always like inseperable! Anyways, ugh, my summer is affecting my brain. I can't believe I chose to write my blog today. Currently, I'm lazy, I should eat less. But it sucks cause I never keep my word. Starting from tomorrow, no more candy, no soda, and fastfood only like once in a week or in two weeks. I promise to all the subscribers and readers of my blog (: I hope I can keep my promise. I mean, I will! Definitely. And it's already August! :( I barely did ANYTHING. Oh well, that's a sign. Well, I was scared two nights ago, because I've seen the trailer about 2012. I've researched with Gabrielle and also saw documentaries that night on tv. It scared me, but I've realized, we're just going to start a new generation after the cleansing of the Earth. Three years, and we're gone! I need to go through a spiritual healing and whatnot, just to realize more about how thankful I should be about my life. Even though I lived through pure bullshit, I know there were reasons for me to be alive. Aside all my failures and doubts, I know God's here for me to lean on. Anyways, I am currently sitting in front of the computer feeling REALLY fat. Ugh! I really really really need to lose three more pounds. After that, I'll probably want to lose like more. And I'm getting a haircut next week. Edison wanted me to, and my hair has no layers since my last straight bang and heavy layer cut like, two months ago. I really want to swim right now, but I can't, and I really want to go shopping. Maybe next week. I don't know why, but I get less motivated to push myself up to step up into my spiritual life. I give up so easily. It's a bad habit of mine :/ Make plans with me! I'm so bored these days.
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