Saturday, August 1, 2009

I noticed

How I don't watch my mouth at all times, same as my actions. Sam Koo's dad is here right now, and they're like talking and stuff haha. I am bored, because Gabby left me to her boyfriend haha. So weird how we're always like inseperable! Anyways, ugh, my summer is affecting my brain. I can't believe I chose to write my blog today. Currently, I'm lazy, I should eat less. But it sucks cause I never keep my word. Starting from tomorrow, no more candy, no soda, and fastfood only like once in a week or in two weeks. I promise to all the subscribers and readers of my blog (: I hope I can keep my promise. I mean, I will! Definitely. And it's already August! :( I barely did ANYTHING. Oh well, that's a sign. Well, I was scared two nights ago, because I've seen the trailer about 2012. I've researched with Gabrielle and also saw documentaries that night on tv. It scared me, but I've realized, we're just going to start a new generation after the cleansing of the Earth. Three years, and we're gone! I need to go through a spiritual healing and whatnot, just to realize more about how thankful I should be about my life. Even though I lived through pure bullshit, I know there were reasons for me to be alive. Aside all my failures and doubts, I know God's here for me to lean on. Anyways, I am currently sitting in front of the computer feeling REALLY fat. Ugh! I really really really need to lose three more pounds. After that, I'll probably want to lose like more. And I'm getting a haircut next week. Edison wanted me to, and my hair has no layers since my last straight bang and heavy layer cut like, two months ago. I really want to swim right now, but I can't, and I really want to go shopping. Maybe next week. I don't know why, but I get less motivated to push myself up to step up into my spiritual life. I give up so easily. It's a bad habit of mine :/ Make plans with me! I'm so bored these days.