Seriously not in the mood to do anything. Well, I'm going to sleep in like five minutes so I'm trying to write this all quick and shit -.- Ugh, I'm trying to update alot even though I don't want to sometimes, but it's whatevs. Today is Thursday. I spent it with Gabby from 8 in the morning. I was with her for three days straight. That is no fun. Hahah, jkays. I think I'm psychic. I'm not joking around, and it's freaking me out. When I see certain people and I doze off or concentrate on them, I see colors. & I dream about some random events and it really happened in the past, or it happens later on. I'm scared to tell my mom.. but she asked me already. I think she knows, but I'm freaked out. I can see your auras people! Let's see if I see yours. But like, I saw purple around Gabby's head which was so weird.. at Souplantation today and we searched what it was and it indicated spiritual thoughts and feelings. Then she dropped me off to see her boyfriend and all that and she told me this crazy lady was like, .. yeah. & she said something about spiritual stuff. Then Gabby got all this spiritual thoughts in her head and then she started freaking out and she called me. Then she told me what happened and I was like shaking. I was freaked out to the max. Ugh fuhreal! what if I am -.- & my two cousins, came over and they were like joking around with me saying they see colors and I got pissed and then I called them and looked at their heads behind me and I saw COLORS. I saw RED and .. I forgot. I WAS SCARED! Anyways, my mom says I just need to know how to control these abilities. Tomorrow is Friday (: I think I might go to the mall with mommy. But idk yet. I'm sleeeeppy so yeah. NEXT WEEK IS MY LAST WEEK. Make plans with me. Stupid ELIA was supposed to spend the night. Hopefully she does. HOPEFULLY. So I can giiitt hhiiighhh all dayy. Jkays (: hahaha, well gooodnight loves! <3
& I feel so empty. I feel like I need to start all over again.
P.S. I love you.
I always do.
yay me.
oh and pictures

I found this skirt from like two years ago.
I like it now (:

& I felt like putting these pictures up cause she's my best friend hands down.
She's the one that has my back, and she's always there for me.
Even when we get into shit, we'd give up everything for each other.

&& she's downnnn (: