Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'm gaining

Knowledge and confidence. (:
Yet, I'm still not over it and everything. But I'm finding new routes and adjustments to my life haha. I find myself really humorous, and I find you pathetic as hell! Ugh you. Anyways, today I had good talk with my teachers and I'm looking forward to the rest of the week. Disneyland soon! yay. Volleyball tomorrow and oh! I have so much hw to work on. I am finally realizing the whole Pastor John's idolatry thing. I used to put relationships and dance before anything else, and now it's time I push things back and really study the "gospel" HAHAH. It's weird that would actually come out of my mouth. Now, I'm currently working on my homework. There's SO much to do. I think I need to focus and haha yeahhh. I miss the old days :/ Well, hahaha. I guess past is the past and now is now and I need to make the best out of it now than to dwell on my past mistakes. I am trying to be the happy person I usually am. But sadly, I am on my .. menstral cycleeeeee. shitt -.- well, oh well. hahaha. anyways, back to homework! yayayayay mee! hahaha. <3
