Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I've realized alot more

about you. well, guess what everyone, we don't fucking live up to everyone else's needs and satisfactions.

FUCK YOU! that just tells me how fucking FAKE you are. One year? Two years? Six years? fuck that! shit, bitches need to giiittt theiiirrr shit straighht. anyways, alot of people drifted away from me this year, and yeah, i've learned my lesson: not to make friends with useless assholes that aren't worth my time. KEEP YOUR SHIT REAL. And esp, don't make friends with fucking PLAYERS. Yeah, I'm fucking talking to you. JEEEZ asshole. Yes. That's my lesson, BAM righhhht therrrre. Anyways, (: Today was an okay day. During the first ten minutes of first period, when I had to perform ballet to teach the class, I freaking popped my knee out of place. OMFG, it was HELLLLLL. weeeellllllll, i popped it back in place and freaked my teacher and class out hahaha.
welll, going to sam's. -.- byeeeeee!

is it possible to bring a long friendship back? or do i just have to deal with an asshole?