Thursday, September 3, 2009

These days,

I've been having troubles trying to find myself in the middle of all the shit that's just laying there in my life. Seriously! And yet, Donna is the only one that gets me, and knows what to say to make me feel better. I can't wait toooo DONNNNAA! My birthday is going to be like the night I'll NEVER forget. Cause it's with youuu ;) ew, yeah. we're like sounding like lesbianns hahaha. You totally ktfo-ed on me hahaha, like two days ago. anywayssssss! i can totally lean on you anytime and i'm glad i have someone like youu hahaha. So today was the first day of school... hm, nothing really exciting. hahah, its just whatever yakno? & then went to dbhs to get sam's dance form signed. I think these days NO ONE tries to understand me, leaves me hanging. -.- Ugh. Seriously, I have to figure my shit out. & i hate it hate hate hate it. You don't even care. You don't even ask. You think you got it all easy. Well, sighhhh. It's just not fair. i have to sleeeeep soon so yeah. Done bloggging?! I want excitement in my life, looking forward to every single day ahead of me.. I guess that's just gone. & this guy owes me $2.25. I have to write that down to remind myselfff hahaha! Anyways, even thought I'll always love you, I think that you think I'm just here to keep you company and whatnot. And it just doesn't ANNOY me,it makes me doubt and stuff. Anyways, I'm a carefree person, and I try to keep it that way. Whateverrrrrr -.- Fuhhreals. I need DONNNNNNAAA. hahaha, anyways, yeah. I'm trying to meet new people who can keep it real with me. Someone who'll be there to know that something's wrong without asking me. rareeee friends! :/ well, yeah. Offff to bed or whatnot. Byeeeeee (: