Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Texting Donna and Gabby

And telling Gabby how inspirational GLEE is. I love that show! I first thought it was lame, but trust, this is a goooooooood show. My head hurts and I feel like throwing up :/ Ugh. Well, yeah, I am currently in my room on my computer and I'm really tired but I need to finish my English hw on TKAM and study for my final third day of french2 exam. I don't even get French. I need a tutor or something. I give up on you! Donna is making me satisfied with this horrendous day. Today was excruciating. I hated today. I just had the worst day today, and the fact I had three exams -.- And I have exams this whole week! Darn it. I'm actually trying to make a difference (: Don't you seeee it?! Well yeah. I need to kick it with meeeeee faaavoriteee Donnnna <3 Hhahaha, well yeah. I'm done wasting my time to entertain you readers hahahaha. Current obsession: freaking Wooyoung from 2PM. Just stating that makes me ten times lame-er than usual but ever since they even came out, I've laid my eyes on that boy! hahaha, besides the secret one I like ;) Well, I am like, totally tired haha, and my fingers keep typing but I'm truly done now. hahaha, je fini. ... hahhaha i'm pretty sure that's wrong. man, efff francais! hahhaa, jplayyy. J'adore.