Friday, August 28, 2009


I'm going shopping with my mommy (: I just need a few more things to complete my "backtoschool" clothes. More like, Just cause I want them. But yeah (: My birthday is this month! Yay. haha. I'm moving this month -.- booo. The past few weeks with Gabby, I realized how I was breaking my promises with God. My "dedication and effort" is useless now, because no matter how many times I told myself that I'll try for God has gone down the drain. I think now, I'm more motivated and I want to improve religiously. Hm, so I woke up at like 9 Am this morning and idk what happened but I fell asleep again. Which was really weird. I'm waiting for my mom to come home and then we'll be heading out. Oh wait, I'm not even ready haha. Well, I'll update later (: Bye readers!